
This statement speaks of the 电竞赌博平台 as a place of teaching and research, 学术和出版, 服务和社区. These components flow from three characteristics of Roman Catholicism that image Jesus Christ, 他的福音, 和他的灵. A sacramental vision encounters God in the whole of creation. In and through the visible world in which we live, we come to know and experience the invisible God. In mediation the Catholic vision perceives God not only present in but working through persons, 事件, 物质的东西. 有 an intelligibility and a coherence to all reality, 通过精神发现, 心, 和想象力. God’s grace prompts human activity to assist the world in creating justice grounded in love. God’s way to us comes as communion, through the communities in which men and women live. This community includes the many theological traditions, 礼拜仪式, and spiritualities that fashion the life of the Church. The emphasis on community in Catholicism explains why 电竞赌博平台 historically has fostered familial bonds in its institutional life.

A Catholic university draws its basic inspiration from Jesus Christ as the source of wisdom and from the conviction that in him all things can be brought to their completion. 作为天主教大学, 电竞赌博平台 wishes to contribute to this educational mission.


The 电竞赌博平台 is a Catholic academic community of higher learning, animated from its origins by the Congregation of Holy Cross. The University is dedicated to the pursuit and sharing of truth for its own sake. 作为天主教大学, one of its distinctive goals is to provide a forum where, through free inquiry and open discussion, the various lines of Catholic thought may intersect with all the forms of knowledge found in the arts, 科学, 职业, and every other area of human scholarship and creativity.

The intellectual interchange essential to a university requires, 并被, the presence and voices of diverse scholars and students. The Catholic identity of the University depends upon, 是由, the continuing presence of a predominant number of Catholic intellectuals. This ideal has been consistently maintained by the University leadership throughout its history. What the University asks of all its scholars and students, 然而, is not a particular creedal affiliation, but a respect for the objectives of 电竞赌博平台 and a willingness to enter into the conversation that gives it life and character. 因此, the University insists upon academic freedom that makes open discussion and inquiry possible.


The University prides itself on being an environment of teaching and learning that fosters the development in its students of those disciplined habits of 心, body, and spirit that characterize educated, 熟练的, 自由的人类. 除了, the University seeks to cultivate in its students not only an appreciation for the great achievements of human beings, but also a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, 不公正, and oppression that burden the lives of so many. The aim is to create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice.

电竞赌博平台 also has a responsibility to advance knowledge in a search for truth through original inquiry and publication. This responsibility engages the faculty and students in all areas of the University, but particularly in graduate and professional education and research. The University is committed to constructive and critical engagement with the whole of human culture.

The University encourages a way of living consonant with a Christian community and manifest in prayer, 礼拜仪式, 和服务. Residential life endeavors to develop that sense of community and of responsibility that prepares students for subsequent leadership in building a society that is at once more human and more divine.

A student on a bench by the lake with a bike in the fall.

电竞赌博平台’s character as a Catholic academic community presupposes that no genuine search for the truth in the human or the cosmic order is alien to the life of faith. The University welcomes all areas of scholarly activity as consonant with its mission, subject to appropriate critical refinement. 有, 然而, a special obligation and opportunity, specifically as a Catholic university, to pursue the religious dimensions of all human learning. Only thus can Catholic intellectual life in all disciplines be animated and fostered and a proper community of scholarly religious discourse be established.

In all dimensions of the University, 电竞赌博平台 pursues its objectives through the formation of an authentic human community graced by the Spirit of Christ.